Privacy Policy

UPDATED 8/1/2024

This Privacy Policy explains what information ReportIQ (hereinafter referred to as “ReportIQ”, or “we”, or “us” or “our”), collects and uses in connection with the services and products we provide to eCommerce Merchants (“Customers.”)

ReportIQ is a business-to-business data analytics company which provides a custom reporting interface, data insights, and consulting services to Customers. Those services include customer segmentation, financial analysis, operational consulting, and other related consulting that leverages the power of data to make actionable business decisions (“Services”).


We collect certain information from you when you visit the websites and applications that participate in or interact with our Service. This includes merchant and store related information used to run and export reports. You have the right and ability to manage access to customer data which includes revoking access for instances where permission was previously granted.


We use information, which may include personal information, to perform the Services and for other purposes outlined below.

We use customer-provided data to generate tailored reports, offering insightful analytics and visualizations. This data is stored and processed to enable customers to customize and visualize their business metrics effectively.

We analyze customer-provided data to deliver meaningful insights into business performance. By using aggregated data, we identify trends and patterns, and develop predictive models to forecast future business outcomes.

We analyze customer data to segment audiences based on behavior, purchase history, and other relevant factors. This segmentation analysis helps us provide tailored marketing and sales strategies.

We use financial data to evaluate business performance, profitability, and financial health. Based on this analysis, we offer recommendations for cost reduction, revenue enhancement, and financial optimization.

We examine operational data to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement. From this analysis, we propose actionable strategies to enhance operational workflows and productivity.


We do not share customer information with third parties unless we are legally compelled to do so under applicable laws and regulations. Your data privacy is of utmost importance to us, and we are committed to protecting it from unauthorized access or disclosure.


We apply a standardized approach, regardless of geography or jurisdiction as it relates to all personal data. At any time, a customer can request access to stored customer data, request to delete customer data, and request to delete merchant data relating to their shop. All requests are fulfilled within a 48 hour period.


The only personal information collected is the user’s (merchant/customer) name and email address. This information will be transferred and processed outside of the EU. As an EU resident you agree and consent to the processing of your personal data outside of the EU to fulfill the contractual obligations defined by the services above.

If you are located in the EU and EU data protection law applies to the processing of your information, we provide the controls described in this policy so you can exercise your right to request access to, update, remove and restrict the processing of your information. You also have the right to object to the processing of your information or export your information to another service.


ReportIQ reserves the right to change or replace this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes or replacement will be noted through indications on our website related to this Privacy Policy, or by other notice to you, and located at You will be deemed to have been made aware of and will be subject to the changes to the Privacy Policy after such notice has been posted. We will state the date this Privacy Policy was last updated. We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy on a regular basis.


Please direct any questions or requests to [email protected]